want to join a microgroup? We start June 5!


  • are groups of 2-3 people - (groups are divided up between men & women)
  • use relationships with others to deepen our faith
  • teach us how to be disciples of Jesus
  • help us discover the importance of living purposefully, being engaged in community, and serving others




The format for Microgroups is:

  • Men meet with men & women meet with women.
  • We will gather as one large group to kick off the session on June 5th at 6:30pm & to celebrate at the end on August 7.
  • We'll meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm and childcare will be available. 
  • Each week we will meet as a large group of women and the men will meet separately as a large group. There will be social time and a game or activity to just enjoy some time together. 
  • We'll then break up into our Microgroups (groups of 2-4) to go through the book "Rooted" together. 

If you are unable to meet on Wednesdays, that's ok! You and your Microgroup can decide to meet any day and time that works best for your schedule. 


Important Details
  • Rooted books are $17 
  • You'll receive books at the kickoff dinner
  • Save the date for June 5 and August 10 as we will gather as large groups on those days.
  • Dinner will be provided at both events so please RSVP